Some clips found!

Hello everyone,

I have some exciting news to share with you all today! My friend Juan has made an incredible discovery in our quest to uncover the lost English dub of "Grachi."

Juan recently spent some time diving into several media archives in the Philippines and managed to find a few clips and promos of the elusive English dub. While these snippets might not be in the best quality, they are a treasure trove of information and nostalgia for all of us who have been searching for this lost piece of media history.

The quality of these clips and promos might not be perfect—they have signs of wear and tear, given their age and the conditions they've been stored in. However, the mere existence of these recordings is something we should all be grateful for. They provide us with a tangible connection to the English version of "Grachi" that many of us have been eager to experience or revisit.

I will be sharing more details about these clips and promos in upcoming posts, including some insights into the specific scenes Juan found and any notable differences or highlights in the English dub. For now, let's take a moment to appreciate this fantastic find and the hard work Juan put into uncovering these snippets.

Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, keep the magic alive!

Best, Alex


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