Our team is going to dub Grachi!

 Hello everyone,

I have some thrilling news to share with you all! After much thought and consideration, I've decided to take a bold step in our journey with "Grachi"—I will be dubbing the show into English myself, along with a small but dedicated team.

To make this happen, I recently invested in an expensive setup that includes high-quality microphones, soundproofing materials, and all the necessary equipment to ensure that the dub sounds as professional as possible. I am incredibly excited to start this project and bring "Grachi" to life in English once again.

Our dubbing team will consist of only three voice actors, but we are fully committed to making our voices sound as distinct and varied as possible to match the diverse characters of "Grachi." It might be challenging, but we are determined to put in the effort and creativity needed to make this work.

While it may not match the highest professional standards, let's focus on the positive: soon, we'll be able to enjoy "Grachi" in English and truly understand the magic and charm of the show in a way that has been inaccessible for so long. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I hope you'll join me in appreciating this labor of love.

Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the dub and get ready to experience "Grachi" like never before!

Best, Alex


  1. Hey Alex, I Made An English Version from grachi theme song remix of seasons 2-3, and do you want to hear

    1. Hey Enyer,

      I saw the remix song—it's awesome! I’m thinking of making the Baila Grachi song in English with help of a friend voice actor since I ordered a high quality microphone.

    2. and they should dub the song (Magia) one day I was singing it in English with lyrics that I wrote so that it sounded better

    3. Could you send me the lyrics to Magia?

  2. V1

    What's wrong with me because I'm dancing?
    What's wrong with my mouth? It's singing.

    I can't stop and I Don't Have control

    Now I love this music, that carries me.

    with some rays in my hands I will conjure,
    with a few rays and the fun will begin

    Magic, Magic, Will Make You to Sing, Will Make You to Dance

    Everything It's Magical, This it's the place where you will not stop

    Magic, Magic, will Make You to Jump, will Make You to Scream

    Everything it's Magical, and you will not escape from this magical spell.

    and you freeze them, and you appear, do whatever you want

    The music is carrying us


    with some rays in my hands I will conjure
    with a few rays and the fun will begin

    magic, magic,

    will make you to sing, will make you to dance.

    Everything It's magical, this is the place where you will not stop

    magic, magic

    will make you to jump, will make you to scream.

    everything it's magical, and you will not escape from this magical spell.

    Life is wonderful and magical, life is like that (4x)

  3. And sorry for the 2 deleted messages, I was making wrong while writing.

    1. Thanks! I would also try to sing this when I get my new microphone.

    2. And AlsoI I made an English version of Grachi's season 3 ending credits with Grachi's music video replacing scenes from season 3 episode on the screen with a custom logo made by me with stars and butterflies Like the first season but it is not uploaded on my channel but on another one that is mine


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